Okay, but Why?
Currently, there is no podcast festival in Ottawa. And that sucks, so members of Ottawa’s podcasting community have decided to fix that!
According the recent surveys, podcast audiences in Canada are growing. On behalf of The Globe and Mail, a 2017 survey found that approximately 34% of adult Canadians (10 million people) listened to a podcast at some point in that year. The same survey indicated that 76% of Canadians are familiar with the concept of a podcast, while 26% of people listen to them on a monthly basis and 18% listen to them on a weekly basis.[1]
Given the climate across Canada, and in Ottawa, the situation is good to offer a venue for podcasters and audiences to come together to share with each other the results of this growing medium. Organized by Elise Guest and Andrea (Andi) Pinsent-Martineau of Rabbit Holes Podcast, with the support of JP Davidson of Pop Up Podcasting, this event seeks to serve the local podcasting community and provide additional exposure of local shows to local audiences.
Elise and Andi brings to this project a combined total of almost 20 years of social and professional event planning and management, while JP bring 8 years of podcasting experience, both as a show host and podcast studio entrepreneur.
Want more information? Use our contact tab to reach out, and we’ll send you the Festival prospectus!
[1] Podcasting gains momentum. Catherine Phillips for Media in Canada.com. http://mediaincanada.com/2018/07/19/podcasting-gains-momentum-with-canadians/ Accessed April 19, 2019.